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I Can Help You Find Your Healing Answers


I was 19 years old and had taken the brave step of seeing a psychologist for the first time in my life. In the very first session I heard him say “You think you’re in control of everything but actually you’re not”. It felt like a slap in the face. I wasn’t ready to hear that and I desperately needed to feel I had it all under control. So I never went back for another session.

Fast forward to 2010 and I was once again sitting in front of a psychologist, overwhelmed, exhausted, and desperate for answers. I was ready for the truth this time and what she said was “Maybe you should try anti-depressants”. That time I left and never returned because I knew that was not the answer.

I was right. I was experiencing complete depletion, and I was later diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome in 2013. I’d spent so much of my energy trying to be in control of all the uncontrollables so that I would feel enough and safe that I’d burnt myself out and pushed my body into imbalance.

The functional doctors helped but it was not long-lasting and I continued to drive myself back into imbalance. Finally, I turned to the one place where I could get the exact right answers for me. The answers that were tailor-made to support my particular kind of exhaustion and imbalance.
They were the answers that came from within me. We all know deep within us EXACTLY what we need to heal ourselves.
We have all the answers within us but we sometimes need someone else to hold up a mirror so that we can see them.

I relied on self-reflection but also found an amazing psychologist who focussed on body, mind and spirit and worked with my BodyTalk colleagues to support me.
It worked so well that I packaged it all together and now offer a body, mind and spirit approach to guide women between 30 – 45 who are desperately seeking answers to be able to once again fulfil their potential and purpose without burning out. I don’t give the answers but I guide women to a place where they can find the answers and, in the process, take back not just their own power but the life they were destined to live.

I broke it down to 5 phases which I share through my 1:1 Fatigue to Flow Coaching programme over 8 online sessions and 3 BodyTalk sessions:

  1. Assessment: understanding the unique psychological and energetic patterns that underlie your own specific case of chronic fatigue
  2. Connection: to be able to a) notice the imbalance and feel what your body needs and b) feel safe enough to let go of the old patterns to make way for a healthier way of being
  3. Release: Releasing all that creates cumulative stress and exhaustion and releasing trauma and stress held in the body that impacts the nervous system and general physical balance.
  4. Receive: Opening to intuition to be aware of exactly what your body needs to heal, and opening up to receiving nurturing in general (from self and others)
  5. Flow: Leveraging natural cycles and rhythms to harness energy and optimise rejuvenation as opening to the flow of life to receive the beautiful synchronicities that allow for an abundance of joy, vitality and ease.

I recently had a client say the following in a session, being a beautiful example of how she’s finding her own answers:

“I just always assumed there was something wrong with me and so I would just always feel like this because there is something wrong with me. What I am now coming to realise is that there is nothing wrong with me. The only thing “wrong” with me is that I haven’t been listening to me.”
“…little things, like in work, the amount of additional explanations I give people where I am like…”that’s not actually what you asked me. I am going above and beyond but it’s exhausting me to do that” so it’s kind of like, “OK, actually if you ask me a question I’m just going to answer your question and the rest is your problem. I am now taking on everyone else’s problems.”
“When you were growing up you do things because your natural self was not accepted so I have become very good at doing things that I know that I am “supposed” to do, not necessarily because they are good for me or I want to do them…. And I was suddenly rethinking that and thinking that I actually just need to reassess where in life I want to be and what I want my life to look like…”

If you want to receive support to find your own answers and to take back your power to overcome chronic fatigue, and if Fatigue to Flow sounds like the programme for you sign up for a discovery call and receive a taste of what it’s all about.


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