Tackle Your Shadow to Find Your Light


This cutie joined our family recently and we’ve settled on Shadow for his name! My children like it because he follows me around like a Shadow (I’m the one who feeds him!) and he’s a dark colour like a shadow.

What I love about this name is that so much of the work I do with clients is shadow work. We work with those patterns and fears and also all the good parts of the self that have been disowned that have been hidden in the shadows. Because no matter how deeply suppressed they are they still impact body and mind but from an unconscious place.

When we reclaim what we have disconnected from then we empower ourselves. That is when we can be whole and that is when healing takes placeWe cannot heal from a disconnected place.

Sadly, our society tends to be scared of the darkness and is always drawn towards the light. Yet, a life lived only in the light is destined to lead to disconnection and imbalance. (And the light includes the masculine energy of being in action versus the feminine energy of stopping and reconnecting).

I know it can be scary but when you’re ready to re-connect and face your shadow the irony is that that is when your light can shine brightly again.

I wish you the joy and vitality that has come into my life since I started getting to know my shadow and since this little Shadow became a part of our family!

And if you want to find out how I can support you to do this shadow work in the quest to shine your beautiful bright light send me an email kerry@kerrymagnus.net


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