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Harness the Full Moon to Increase Abundance


With full moon happening today it is the perfect time to celebrate that which has been accomplished and has shifted in your life.

I recently had a session with a client who was feeling very stuck and helpless and we explored what gifts she could find in the situations she faced or what gifts may transpire from the space she is in. This is very difficult to do when in such a space but it can be a game-changer. When we focus on scarcity we experience scarcity and experience life as happening to us while we are helpless.

On the other hand, practicing gratitude is so empowering for a couple of reasons:

1) When you become aware of what has shifted in your life and the gifts you have it places the power back in your hands. You are not a victim of fate but are instead a co-creator of your life (in conjunction with a higher force/power/evolutionary drive that is assisting you to evolve and reach your greatest potential). Experiencing gratitude helps to shift you from victim to creator and recipient of wisdom and gifts.

2)Where your attention goes energy flows. According to quantum theory all matter and reality is energy and this energy exists as numerous possibilities. The particular possibility we focus on and give attention to is what is most likely going to manifest in our lives. Conscious creation enables us to choose what we want to show up for us. It will not always come in what appears to be a ‘positive’ or ‘good’ way but it will be beneficial and ultimately for your greatest and highest good. Gratitude and a focus on what you have achieved and shifted will enable more of this to appear in your life.

Take some time this evening or even tomorrow (Thursday) to take note of and feel grateful for what you’ve accomplished, gained, learned, shifted and manifested in your life. Try to see the gift in the struggle if you are in a bad space or imagine what the gift may be and hold gratitude for that.

Empower yourself today withe the help of Mother Moon in her full glory and fertile abundance…..


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