Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Your Doctor Won’t Address THIS Crucial Step

Why do you keep doing the same things that you know are going to consistently make you tired? You can even watch yourself doing it and can’t stop and then wonder what is wrong with you that you can’t just STOP and rest. Or why is that even though you

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

I Am Just Going to Go Ahead And Say It…

It’s very possible that the reason you cannot overcome your fatigue is…..fear. ​ If you are battling with fatigue I bet that you’ve been told or read or heard that you ‘should’ slow down and stress less? Maybe you have been told that you should practice mindfulness or rest more

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Has Society Failed Women?

“Women: We’ve failed them”. This was the front page headline in the Cape Argus newspaper yesterday in anticipation of Women’s Day being celebrated today in South Africa. I felt called to respond to this and say, yes, internationally, society has failed women. What am I basing this on? The high

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

A Surprising and Powerful Method for Managing Stress

Did you know that the moon and cycles in general have a strong influence on your energy and vitality? I want to share more with you about how to use this knowledge to reduce your stress and invite ease? Most of us are aware of the day/night cycle and the

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Six Messages Your Fatigue Might Be Sharing With You

So many people people I know and work with are just so tired so often and all tend to either take it for granted and try to ignore it or, on the other extreme, rail against the fatigue as inconvenient and troublesome. What if your fatigue is trying to tell

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Body and Mind balance
Kerry Magnus

Balance the Three Brains – Have Your Cake & Enjoy It

I have always battled with my digestion. Since I was a child I experienced cramping, was easily nauseous, and generally had an unhappy ‘tummy’. I was also a worrier and often anxious and the more unhappy and down I was the worse my digestive issues would be. I hardly ever

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Attitude is Everything! Managing AFS & Burnout

Attitude shapes health. Our attitude to life – beliefs about ourselves, others and how we approach life – are based on, and formed in, our childhoods. I have noticed that the majority of my clients and others I know who have experienced Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (and other stress-related illnesses and

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