Use the new moon before it’s too late – create more ease in your life


After reading my last posts here and here you’ll have a better idea of how it’s possible to feel more in control of your life.

You may have read about managing stress and getting more done with awareness of cycles (i.e. know when you’re good to go and likely to achieve more and when to stay on the down-low when the cycle is against you).

Many people have asked where they can access a lunar calendar to know the cycles of the moon to work with them. My colleague and friend, Christal Phala-Simons, founder of Oak Trees of Spirit™, has created a lunar forecasting toolkit that provides a lunar calendar, a forecast for the whole of 2018 to tell you what to expect in relation to the moon and cycles, and a great explanation of how to use this toolkit and other information in your life.

Since I have been acknowledging and working with the natural cycles and using my energy when I have energy, and resting when my energy is likely to be low, my health and productivity have really improved. As soon as I try to just push regardless of the cycles my energy and productivity plummet and it feels like I’m uselessly swimming upriver against the tide (and at times even starting to drown!)

Christal’s toolkit was created for the whole of 2018 so she’s offering it for a discounted rate as half of the forecasting calendar will no longer be relevant. However, all the other information and the 2nd half of the calendar is very useful.

If you use this toolkit in collaboration with my tracking tool that I offered you’re very likely to experience the difference this can make for your stress levels and productivity.

Also, many of you asked how to work with the menstrual cycle in relation to the lunar cycle i.e. if your menstrual cycle does not synch with the lunar cycle. I suggest using your tracking tool as mentioned above and you’ll very likely see that your mood and energy are primarily impacted by your menstrual cycle.

However, you’ll still be impacted by the moon and can leverage the phases of the moon to guarantee greater success when following through with a project or process in your life (planning; emerging and actioning the plans; celebrating the outcomes; adapting; and tying up loose ends to prepare for the next phase). This can apply to ending a relationship, planting a garden, or buying a house. Read here to get more clear on this.

Instead of feeling like your life is spinning out of control and you’re barely keeping up, start to take charge of what you can by working within the natural cycles that impact on your energy and productivity. It can be so enlightening and a relief when you’re feeling like life is really rough to realise that it’s THAT time of the cycle and no wonder it’s not working out so you just let it for the moment. Equally, it’s very empowering to recognise what you’re capable of when you do work with the cycles and it all just….flows.

It’s time to feel empowered again!


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