The Last Full Moon – This One is a Biggie!


Today marks the last full moon of 2020 and is a great time for a celebration. Full moon is associated with harvest time – the stage in the lunar cycle where we harvest the fruits of the seeds that were planted in the new moon phase (of this particularly lunar cycle and possible the fruition of seeds that were planted in the new moon phase of cycles before). To learn more about how to leverage the natural energy and momentum of the lunar cycle to manifest and to harness energy and save effort I’ve written many previous posts on the subject.

Being the last full moon of this year, it is also a great time to celebrate the successes of the year. Celebration and gratitude are so important because where our attention goes energy flows i.e. where we place our attention is what we will see more of. So often we tend to focus on what is not working rather than what is working. Now is an opportunity to really, consciously focus on what has worked, what you have achieved, what feels good, and what you would like more of.

If we become very conscious of what we want more and celebrate that which we have we will be planting seeds for more of that in particular. Furthermore, it helps us to know where to place our energy and what to aim for rather than approaching life with a hit-and-miss and hopeful attitude (not to say you should not hope but a recipe involving only hoping is not nearly as powerful as one that invites co-creation through you taking some steps forward in the direction that feels good and creating a hopeful space for the universe/God/the angels (or name your preferred source of creation) to step up and meet you in manifesting this in your life).

You are a very powerful being but this power is mostly evident when you use it consciously. Today (and even a day or two after the full moon) is a very powerful time to consciously review and celebrate so you can attract more of all of that you celebrate into your life.

For those of you who are very hard on yourselves this process can be difficult. It may be that your expectations are so high that you feel you have not achieved much at all. Here are some simple aspects of you to start celebrating:
– Consistently showing up for life every day
– Always providing meals for your family
– Offering your smile to those around you
– Being a friend to others
– Providing yours skills, services and gifts to help others (whether you are a cashier, a bank teller, a manager, a mother, a librarian or anything else)

If these are all you can manage for now that is awesome and please give yourself credit for these. The more you can honour and validate these small achievements the more you are honouring and validating your inner child. And the more she is celebrated the more you will notice her achievements and the more compassion you’ll find you have for yourself.

If you want to get more specific about areas to celebrate here are a few:
1) What have you achieved in your career/work arena this year?
2) What breakthroughs have you made in relation to your health and what changes have you introduced that have made a difference to your health?
3) What have you let go of that was not serving you in your life – relationships, commitments, beliefs, habits?
4) What changes have you made in how you see yourself that are in your greatest and highest good?
5) What have you learned about yourself this year that has made a positive difference for you?
6) What changes have happened in your closest relationships that have been positive for you?
7) What new practices have you added to your life this year that have served you well?
8) What is present in your life that was not present at the beginning of 2019 and that has brought joy and goodness?

As you may have noted, celebration is as much celebration of achievements as it is about celebration of being and transformation in your life. We tend to overly identify with achieving goals to be able to celebrate. When you start to celebrate life and all aspects of life that is when you truly start living because we can so easily set ourselves up to fail when we create goals that we are unable to meet. That way you put off celebrating and living until these are met – which may be a very long time. Or never.

I want to let you in on a little secret- when I started writing this email I was grumpy as I received bad financial news and then there was ANOTHER electricity blackout and my laptop battery is almost finished so I know I won’t be able to post this when written. However, as I have been writing this and mentally reviewing my own year I end this now feeling like I am in a much better space. That is the power of celebration and gratitude.

So, again, where your attention goes your energy (and mood!) will follow. You can choose what you want to celebrate, notice and have more of in your life.

May the best of your 2019 year be the worst of your 2020 year and to borrow a phrase I have seen being thrown around may you enter the next decade with 20/20 vision as you exercise conscious awareness in your life.

On this note please keep your eyes open for your January blog post a follow-on post will help you review aspects of 2019 to help you to become clearer on what you would like to bring in in 2020. I will be providing a workbook for you to work with and to use as you go forward into 2020.

Onwards and upwards. Consciously and with compassion!


About the Author:

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