Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Check in: Are you SuperWoman or the Tree?

Do you wonder if your psychology and personality is truly impacting your chronic fatigue and burnout like you may have heard me say is possible? Why not take a listen to Are You SuperWoman or the Tree (10 minutes) and decide for yourself… Not too long ago in my life

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

It’s a New Moon – That’s Why You’re So Tired

The Mon to Friday, 9 – 5 model of work and productivity is deeply disconnected from the body and body needs, especially for women and bodies that were born with a designation of being female. This is a patriarchal model perpetuated by a capitalist society as it serves achievement, success,

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

5 Phases of Transformation From Fatigue to Flow

Are you feeling like you have no choice but to make a change in your life? But how? I bet most of you will include some version of “work harder” in your answer…. We’ve been taught from a young age that hard work gets results (yes, even self-care and healing

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Body and Mind balance
Kerry Magnus

3 Steps to Stop Depleting Your Precious Energy

Most of the exhausted people I work with and know are givers. This often goes hand-in-hand with rescuing and/or people-pleasing (also called Fawning). All of these behaviours, when done to an extreme that causes imbalance and ill health, are trauma adaptations rather than healthy personality attributes. You can learn more

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Is the Female Body More Likely to Burn Out?

The unique body design that enables women to create form and nurture life also makes women more vulnerable to fatigue and physical/hormonal imbalance. But that is not a weakness. There is no flaw in our design. It’s the pervasive productivity model in patriarchal, capitalist society that is flawed. The dominant

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

I Am Just Going to Go Ahead And Say It…

It’s very possible that the reason you cannot overcome your fatigue is…..fear. ​ If you are battling with fatigue I bet that you’ve been told or read or heard that you ‘should’ slow down and stress less? Maybe you have been told that you should practice mindfulness or rest more

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

3 Steps to a Healing Relationship With Your Body

In the last few weeks I have been sharing about becoming more connected to your body. “Yes!” You may be saying “but how” you may be asking.1. STOPIt is not possible to be ‘doing’ which -is a place of action and motion -and to be deeply present with your body at

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

A Simple & Powerful But Neglected Path to Energy

It’s easy to throw a pill in your mouth, take a swig of water and swallow it down, perhaps spending a few seconds hoping it will help before moving on to the next thing that needs to be done. It’s more difficult to take the time to heal the body

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Could This Surprising Reason Explain Your Chronic Fatigue?

“At best, we were parented by “fair-weather parents” who were nice and kind or cold and sharp, depending on how our behavior suited them in the moment. At worst, we were abused, manipulated, or abandoned, left to feel like we were worthless or were some sort of an asset to be

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