Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

The Day That Listening Saved My Life

There was this time, while on a 3 hour road trip, that I had such a strong sense I needed to take the next off-ramp and double back onto the highway to pick up a young woman and her child and baby who I’d passed but somehow carried with me

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Body and Mind balance
Kerry Magnus

I never saw THIS coming…

Less than a month ago my husband and I had no idea what was about to unfold. Now, feeling rather overwhelmed and slightly shell-shocked, we have put an offer in on a house in a seaside town 7 hours from Cape Town where we currently live and our own house

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

3 Reasons Why Trauma May Actually Be Behind Your Chronic Fatigue

(You can download the audio version here) “Trauma is not the bad things that happened to you but what happens inside of you as a result of what happened to you” – Dr Gabor Maté, specialist in childhood development and trauma. Also from Gabor Maté: “Trauma is the disconnection from

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Body and Mind balance
Kerry Magnus

Amazingly Simple Stress-Busting Exercise To Do Now

Do you have tension in your jaw right now? And in your neck and shoulders? How about your stomach muscles – are they fully relaxed? And are you holding your breath? Do you know that many people with chronic fatigue have a great deal of musculoskeletal tension in their bodies?

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

You’ll never guess what my Gr 3 teacher called me…

One day, long ago, my Grade 3 teacher called me a foghorn (FYI the definition of a foghorn is a device making a loud, deep sound as a warning to ships in fog). I was deeply ashamed and have never forgotten the comment.I know that the teacher was probably fed-up

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Introducing Who Is Behind Your Chronic Fatigue

Did you often or very often feel that no one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special? or Your family didn’t look out for each other, feel close to each other, or support each other? Were your parents ever separated or divorced? Was a household

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

The Colour That Changed My Life

What’s your relationship with the feminine like? When I first started my journey with embracing my feminine self in 2008 I needed to wear pink for a course I was doing. I did not own pink. I did not own dresses. I was not a soft person. So I borrowed

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

Why Aren’t You Able to Fully Receive Life Force?

We are surrounded by an abundance of energy or life force so why do you still feel so tired? At the core of fatigue is a lack of vitality (also known as qi, prana or life force). We produce qi and receive qi. Physical treatments (supplements, dietary changes, bio-identical hormones)

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

My Secret Ingredient for Overcoming Chronic Fatigue

Do you spend a lot of time trying to UNDERSTAND things, hoping to then find the answers? I love the first session where I explore with a client what patterns, behaviours, and beliefs lie behind their fatigue. This consciousness is so empowering and clients usually always leave feeling slightly surprised,

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Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
Kerry Magnus

3 Steps to a Healing Relationship With Your Body

In the last few weeks I have been sharing about becoming more connected to your body. “Yes!” You may be saying “but how” you may be asking.1. STOPIt is not possible to be ‘doing’ which -is a place of action and motion -and to be deeply present with your body at

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