Can you imagine how good it would be to feel empowered and in alignment with your body rather than feeling like your body is letting you down?
Hi! I’m Kerry, a wife, a mother of a 7 year old and a 4 year old, a perfectionist in recovery, and a holistic psychologist and BodyTalk practitioner specialising in the field of healing chronic fatigue and adrenal depletion.
I’ve been there and know only too well what that dark place can feel like: feeling desperate, frustrated, unable to drag myself off the couch and wondering if this was going to be my life forever.
Today, even if I do feel tired at times, I am living an amazing life that feeds me deeply. I feel so much more empowered and able to do what is important to me as I live my purpose with joy.
Even if you’ve struggled with chronic fatigue for what feels like forever, even if you’ve sought treatment and paid a fortune for supplements and organic food, and you’re still beat and tired and overwhelmed by it all – then this could just be the turning point you’ve desperately been hoping for…