Join us for Reclamation Challenge!

5 days. 5 Tips.
Reclaim YOU for more
Balance & Health

Are you in?
(starts Thurs, 14th September )

Create some space for YOU between busy and tired

Do you often feel like it’s all too much?

Maybe you sometimes feel like running away or hiding?

Do many of your days end with you feeling like a bad mother or partner/wife?

Perhaps you receive support but you still feel like you’re holding everything?

Women are very good at holding everything but that often means there is no space left for themselves.

Can I help you to create some space to reclaim that fuller version of you that is waiting to emerge?

It’s in the space between busy and tired that we find our answers and where our bodies can heal

So, why is it so difficult to find and stay in that space?

I’ve created the reclamation challenge to help you to reclaim this space to rest, reset and rediscover yourself and your answers

This challenge is for you if you can relate to any of the following:
Imagine feeling more empowered, more centered, more patient and more confident! That is what happens when you consistently take time for yourself. But sometimes we need the support to be reminded and shown how to do this.

Join the Reclamation Challenge to receive that support.

This self-nurture challenge will help you by:

Consistent self-care can help you to feel more empowered and to better support others. It’s a win-win as you benefit and so do those you care about.

My well-being, my happiness depends very much on you, and your well-being, your happiness, depends upon me. I am responsible for you, and you are responsible for me. Anything I do wrong, you will suffer and anything you do wrong, I have to suffer. Therefore, in order to take care of you, I have to take care of myself.

Are you in?
The challenge starts on Thurs, September 14th
Join the challenge by entering your name and best email address below:

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Picture of About Kerry

About Kerry

I am a holistic psychologist and BodyTalk practitioner and specialise in trauma, stress-related imbalance, and chronic exhaustion & burnout.

Meet Kerry Magnus, Vitality Coach

I am a Holistic Psychologist and BodyTalk Practitioner and I support women to embrace their greatest potential without burning out, using a unique body, mind and spirit approach that I created through my own journey of transformations.

Meet Kerry Magnus, Vitality Coach

I am a Holistic Psychologist and BodyTalk Practitioner and I support women to embrace their greatest potential without burning out, using a unique body, mind and spirit approach that I created through my own journey of chronic fatigue and transformation.

Picture of Meet Kerry Magnus, Vitality Coach

Meet Kerry Magnus, Vitality Coach

I am a Holistic Psychologist and BodyTalk Practitioner and I support women to embrace their greatest potential without burning out, using a unique body, mind and spirit approach that I created through my own journey of transformations.