Check in: Are you SuperWoman or the Tree?

Do you wonder if your psychology and personality is truly impacting your chronic fatigue and burnout like you may have heard me say is possible?

Why not take a listen to Are You SuperWoman or the Tree (10 minutes) and decide for yourself…

Not too long ago in my life I was very proud of being Superwoman and that started very early in my life. I was often top of my class academically, I was sporty and involved in many clubs and played squash at a provisional level, and I was seen as a good, respectful girl (which was ironic because I started drinking way too much and did very stupid things in an attempt to manage my emotions and anxiety from as early as 14).

And that’s the crazy part – it was good to receive the validation and this helped me to feel a little better about myself and provided a false sense of control of my outer world, yet inside I felt I had so little control over my life and inner dialogue (for the record I wasn’t aware of this as I was too disconnected and just did what I did). 

In fact, I believe that most superwomen are actually driven by a powerless, anxious and unsupported inner child still looking for some emotional support and  acknowledgement even though they are now very capable and incredible adult women.

And let’s face it – who wants to be a boring tree?! The adrenaline-fueled, ever-moving and often fast-paced life of Superwomen is WAY more exciting right?!   Well, yes, but not when the result of that is not being able to move off the couch or meet the basic requirements of your life.

If you’ve been Superwoman for too long and the cracks are beginning to show come and join the Rooted Community where you will receive support to be more like the nourished, connected, alive, calm and abundant Tree.

I know it can feel really scary to even consider letting go of the old way of doing things but if you keep doing what you’ve always done you are going to keep experiencing what you’re experiencing now. And, yes, it’s scary but the incredible reward for your courage is not only improved vitality, ease, confidence, hope and joy but you’ll start to experience life in a way that you have never experienced it before – way more supported, sure of yourself, and plugged in!

It is ultimately a deeply spiritual experience when we choose to listen to our bodies and listen to our own inner truth to support our healing. I call this the gift wrapped in barbed wire! It was certainly a gift for me.

So, guess what….. I decided to extend the enrolment period for the Rooted membership by another 3 days as I really don’t want people to miss out. I deeply believe what you’ll receive can be as supportive for you as it was for me and has been for so many others I have had the honour to walk this journey with.

Doors are currently open to join the Rooted membership until Saturday midnight SAST. it’s a month by month commitment so you’re welcome to come and try it for a month to get a feeling whether this is for you.

P.S. you know the power you feel as Superwoman? Well that power is VERY possible as the tree and comes from a far healthier place. So, don’t worry. You’re not going to lose out on that!!


About the Author:

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