I’ve had a profound journey, which continues still, from being deeply disconnected to finally experiencing the joy of expressing my truth and standing in my power.

About Kerry

To the outside world I am a mother, wife, psychologist, BodyTalk practitioner and often known as the psychologist who “does that thing” (being a combination of my training as a hypnotherapist and psychologist together with a focus on body and mind connection and the use of muscle testing, energy healing, tapping, reiki and mindfulness practices to assist clients to find body, mind and soul balance)!

On the inside who I am has had a big overhaul in the last couple of years and so I’ve added to my list that I am someone who chooses to stand in my power, speak my truth and share with love. This is definitely a work in progress (and most likely will remain one for the rest of my days) but as a result I have added author and speaker to my list of offerings.

I’ve had a profound journey, which continues still, from being deeply disconnected to finally experiencing the joy of expressing my truth and standing in my power. This has taken me through the depths of depression, the angst of worry and anxiety and the obstacles of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.

Even becoming a psychologist was an attempt to be in control and to feel safe. Eventually, through a number of circumstances I was forced to face the fact that I cannot control my life through intellectually constructed coping mechanisms, disconnecting defences and various cleverly disguised avoidance-patterns.

In 2017 (after my 4th big adrenal crash) I reached a turning point in truly letting go – deconstructing the false self I had very carefully put together as a child. I had slowly begun to dissect this as a young adult and continued over the years. However, in 2017 the ‘powers that be’ obviously decided I was ready and everything came to a head to ensure I took the big step of really letting go in a far more profound way.

Stepping from what is known but not necessarily beneficial into the unknown (which is usually in our greatest and highest good) is scary. I doubted myself, retreated, nursed my wounds and started over again. Out of this developed a new direction for my life and my work. I knew that it was time to share what I know and what I have learned with others, despite the little inner voice that sometimes pulls at my sleeve and whispers “who do you think you are to do this?!” I also knew I was ready to walk the path with others who are ready to step into their truth.

Now I stand in a place of joy, passion and purpose and I have created this space to be of service to you while being in service to my truth and continued journey of growth.

"I was referred to Kerry by another well-known and respected psychologist and I am so grateful that she took me on as a client. I could not imagine going on the journey I have, without Kerry. It has been tough and heart-wrenching at times but Kerry has been a constant source of encouragement, kindness and safety. She provided a non-judgemental, non-shaming and safe environment to learn to unpack the many years of self-judgement and pain I had to deal with, providing me with not only a safe space to open up but was also always available to me when I needed to further unpack my story outside of the consultation space. While she allowed me to work at my own pace, Kerry’s guided consultation made me feel like I was achieving a constant progression in my personal development. At no time did I feel stagnated or that a session was wasted by mere chatter. Her use of BodyTalk during her sessions has made for a wonderful new way to heal. I would recommend her to anybody wanting to grow into their true selves and uncover their hidden potential. The journey is not easy but the benefit far outweighs the discomfort. And you would want Kerry guiding you through every step of the way."

Discover 5 Powerful Secrets for Overcoming Your Chronic Fatigue and Adrenal Depletion

Empower yourself to move from fatigue to flow with this valuable information!

In this guide you will discover: