After a couple of years of creating various scripts for clients depending on their needs I have decided to produce a cd that will make some of the most popular recordings more accessible.
This CD, entitled Conscious Living on a Daily Basis, consists of four recordings which are essentially a combination of guided meditations and hypnosis scripts that I use to help people to more easily access a state of relaxation while also becoming more conscious of what it is they are feeling. It is impossible to be conscious of the mind and its many thoughts when focussed on the body. Also, when the body relaxes the mind automatically relaxes and vice versa. This can be very powerful to aid relaxation.
The four Tracks are:
- Mindful Body Scan (23 mins): a relaxation exercise/meditation based on scanning the body and becoming aware of replacing tension with relaxation. This recording forms the basis for increasing awareness/consciousness and will assist the listener to become more aware of and more present in the body and less caught up in the mind. Essentially this is a skill that will enable the listener to choose to relax rather than get caught up in worries and stress when that stress is felt in the body.
- Safe Place Visualisation (25 mins): using all the five senses this recording assists the listener to create a mental safe place to which they can retreat whenever is necessary. This mental sanctuary can be recreated as time goes on and according to needs.
- Positive Suggestions for Relaxation (17 mins): this is more of a hypnosis recording versus a meditation and contains a number of suggestions to the subconscious to encourage the brain to more easily access a relaxed state. The more often this is heard the more deeply embedded the suggestions become, enabling the listener to quickly and easily access a relaxed state as time goes on.
- Access Your Resource State (14 mins): We all have ego states or ‘parts’ that develop through life in order to cope with different situations and these different parts can be more or less present at different times impacting on behaviour, feelings and reactions. We all have within us a strong, resourceful part that helps us to overcome challenges and difficulties in life and when we feel overwhelmed or lost it can be very useful to purposefully tune into this stronger part of the self.
If you sign up for the Conscious Living Newsletter now you will receive the 1st track for free (Mindful Body Scan) as this is a great track to assist with the process of awareness that aids consciousness. By signing up you will be notified whenever there are new posts on the blog or other free info up for grabs as well as value-packed workshops and webinars.
If you are interested in purchasing these tracks as audio downloads each track is R50 and the whole CD is R120. Please contact me to indicate interest.